use cases
Find & engage prospects and leads
Find prospects that are talking about relevant topics for your product or service, and automatically like their Linkedin posts.
Grow your Linkedin company page followers
Grow your Linkedin company page followers by auto-liking the LinkedIn posts of people that are talking about relevant topics to your product or service, with your LinkedIn company page.
Get more LinkedIn connections
Get more LinkedIn connections with relevant people by liking the LinkedIn posts of people that are talking about relevant topics to your poduct or service, with your personal profile.
Get inbound leads and grow your customer base
Get qualified inbound leads by auto-liking LinkedIn posts of people that are talking about relevant topics to your product or service.
Grow as a LinkedIn influencer
Increase your audience size as a LinkedIn influencer by auto-liking LinkedIn posts of your target audience.
Find & engage thought leaders
Identify thoughts leaders in your space and trigger them by automatically liking their posts.
Increased LinkedIn company page followers
Increase your number of LinkedIn company page followers by automatically liking LinkedIn posts of your target audience and people talking about relevant topics to your product or service.
Increased website traffic of qualified prospects
Increase traffic to your website by automatically liking LinkedIn posts of your target audience and people talking about relevant topics to your product or service.
Increased 1st-degree LinkedIn connections
Increase your LinkedIn network and number of 1st degree connections by automatically liking LinkedIn posts of people talking about relevant topics to your niche, product, or service.