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How much is your saved time and inbound traffic worth?

Try it out for 15 days for free and experience how it can help you and your company.

🔔 No credit card required!


How much is your saved time and inbound traffic worth?

Try it out for 15 days for free and experience how it can help you and your company.

🔔 No credit card required!


How much is your saved time and inbound traffic worth?

Try it out for 15 days for free and experience how it can help you and your company.

🔔 No credit card required!

No credit card required 🎉


For the average LinkedIn user


per month

  • Build up to 5 keyword triggers

  • Build up to 5 profile triggers

  • Receive up to 100 posts per day

  • Set up to 20 exclusions

  • Monitor in your network

  • Monitor LinkedIn-wide

  • Monitor user and company profiles

Start 15-day free trial

+ $19,-

per month

  • Auto-like all 100 matching posts

  • Auto-like with your personal profile

Start 15-day free trial

No credit card required 🎉


For the highly active LinkedIn user


per month

  • Build up to 10 keyword triggers

  • Build up to 20 profile triggers

  • Receive up to 250 posts per day

  • Set up to 20 exclusions

  • Monitor in your network

  • Monitor LinkedIn-wide

  • Monitor user and company profiles

Start 15-day free trial

+ $29,-

per month

  • Auto-like all 250 matching posts

  • Auto-like with your personal profile

Start 15-day free trial

No credit card required 🎉


For people growing their business


per month

  • Build up to 20 keyword triggers

  • Build up to 40 profile triggers

  • Receive up to 500 posts per day

  • Set up to 20 exclusions

  • Monitor in your network

  • Monitor LinkedIn-wide

  • Monitor user and company profiles

Start 15-day free trial

+ $49,-

per month

  • Auto-like all 500 matching posts

  • Auto-like with your personal profile

Start 15-day free trial

No credit card required 🎉


For companies that want more exposure


per month

  • Build up to 20 keyword triggers

  • Build up to 40 profile triggers

  • Receive up to 500 posts per day

  • Set up to 20 exclusions

  • Monitor in your network

  • Monitor LinkedIn-wide

  • Monitor user and company profiles

Start 15-day free trial

+ $59,-

per month

  • Auto-like all 500 matching posts

  • Auto-like with your company profile

Start 15-day free trial

15-day free trial 🎉


For the average LinkedIn user


per month

  • Build up to 5 keyword triggers

  • Build up to 5 profile triggers

  • Receive up to 100 posts per day

  • Set up to 20 exclusions

  • Monitor in your network

  • Monitor LinkedIn-wide

  • Monitor user and company profiles

Start free trial

+ $19,-

per month

  • Auto-like all 100 matching posts

  • Auto-like with your personal profile

Start free trial

15-day free trial 🎉


For the highly active LinkedIn user


per month

  • Build up to 10 keyword triggers

  • Build up to 20 profile triggers

  • Receive up to 250 posts per day

  • Set up to 20 exclusions

  • Monitor in your network

  • Monitor LinkedIn-wide

  • Monitor user and company profiles

Start free trial

+ $29,-

per month

  • Auto-like all 250 matching posts

  • Auto-like with your personal profile

Start free trial

15-day free trial 🎉


For people growing their business


per month

  • Build up to 20 keyword triggers

  • Build up to 40 profile triggers

  • Receive up to 500 posts per day

  • Set up to 20 exclusions

  • Monitor in your network

  • Monitor LinkedIn-wide

  • Monitor user and company profiles

Start free trial

+ $49,-

per month

  • Auto-like all 500 matching posts

  • Auto-like with your personal profile

Start free trial

15-day free trial 🎉


For companies that want more exposure


per month

  • Build up to 20 keyword triggers

  • Build up to 40 profile triggers

  • Receive up to 500 posts per day

  • Set up to 20 exclusions

  • Monitor in your network

  • Monitor LinkedIn-wide

  • Monitor user and company profiles

Start free trial

+ $59,-

per month

  • Auto-like all 500 matching posts

  • Auto-like with your company profile

Start free trial